Want to test your students’ knowledge about coding or help them learn new skills? See this scratch tutorial for children! We will guide you step by step in making a cool project where your character can fly across the screen. Building with scratch coding is much easier than you imagine!
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Students who are more proficient can start Making Middle Level Games.
Complete the initial tutorial for beginners
This is the project we will make: Make your cat fly! Let’s start. If your students have not created a free scratch account, read this article first about how to use scratch, because this article will guide you through the whole process and give you a brief picture of an easy -to -use platform.
1. Step 1: Select your background and character
When you create an empty scratch project, you can choose from many different options for the background and character by clicking two circles in the lower right corner. Circle with an image icon to select the background and circle with a cat icon to select the character.
To make the settings, we chose “Langit Biru 2” as a background that will be crossed by our cats and “flying cats” from the character menu. Use your imagination, and choose whatever combination you are interested in!
Step 2: Create a welcome message and move the cat with the arrow button
When we started the game, we want a cat to display a welcome message. We can use the “when the green flag is clicked”, which shows the start of the game. This block can be found on Control part. Then we can use the “say” block from Seen The part to make our block shows “say ‘I fly’ for 2 seconds”. Both the message and the length of time can be adjusted to our wishes.
We also want our cat to move left, right, top and bottom if the appropriate arrow button is clicked. From ProgramWe can get the block “When the button is pressed”. We need one of these blocks and change the drop down option to “left arrow”. Below here, we want it Movement Block “Move X”. We need to change the numbers in this block to -10 to show the left movement.
We need a block “when the button is pressed” and this time the pull option is “right arrow”. We can use Movement Block “Move X as much as 10” as is.
To deal with vertical movements, we need a block “when the button is pressed” with the drop down option “top arrow”. Because this is vertical, we need “change y as much as 10” Movement block.
The direction of the last movement we need is down, which can be done with the “when the button is pressed” with the “Lower Arrow” option. Here we need a “change y” block and change the number to -10.

Step 3: Select the object to be collected and make the object move
To choose another character that represents our object, we can return to the circle at the lower right where we choose a flying cat. This time let’s choose a balloon!

Now let’s click on the balloon so we can write the code for him. We want to make the balloon move randomly so that the cat can chase him happily!
For balloons, we want to use the block “When the Green Flag is clicked” because the balloon also requires its own actions after the game starts. Now we can go to Control And get the “forever” block because we want our object to keep moving during the game. Whatever the block we put into “forever” will run without stopping until we end the program manually with the “Stop Sign” button.
The first block we want is from MovementAnd we want to “go to a random position”. Preparation for making this project remains interesting. Then we want another Movement Block, “Change X”. In this case, enter the number as 250. Any block that has a place for the number can be converted into any number by typing.
Next we want to go to Control and get a “Repeat” block and enter number 32. This number can be whatever you want. Inside the “Repeat” block, we want to block the “Change X” movement and enter the number -15.
The code that we have written for our balloons makes it move everywhere and we have to control the cat to catch it! Test your current program.

I hope you have fun to make the project! In the next tutorial, we will show you how to change this flying cat project into a game where cats get points every time they touch the balloon.
Step 4: Add a score to your cat
Your cat clip in the lower character panel to make sure you add the code to the right.
Then go to orange Variable Block and click “Create Variables” at the top. Type the “score” into the popup box that appears to give your variable name. After you finish this step, you will see a small score label on the top left of your scene.

Step 5: Record Score for Cats
We want our scores to be reset every time we start the program again, and we want to add a score of 1 every time a cat touches the balloon.
In the code for our cat, we want the others “When the Green Flag is Clicked” Incident block. The first block we want here comes from ours Variable part. Get a block that starts with “set” and change the dropdown option to “score” so that our block reads “Set Score to 0”.
Then we want to block “forever” from Control part. We use this block because we always want to detect if the cat touches the balloon, and if so, we need to update our score.
In this block, we need to start with the if/then block Control So we can check whether cats and balloons touch each other. You may have noticed that after “if” in this block, there is an empty hexagon. There, we want our condition to be a “touching balloon”. We can find this hexagon -shaped condition as the first light blue beam Feel part. After we change the pull and hesitant menu option to “balloon”, we can drag this block into the space after “if”.
Now we need to put something in the if/then block that we add. This is where we add one point to the score! We can return to Variable section and get a block that starts with “change”. We need to change the dropdown option to “score” and put a block under IF. Because the code moves very fast, the last thing we need in if/then is from Control. We want “Block Waiting 1 Second” to be above and put it at the end of IF/then.

Now your students know how to make a cool flying cat project and turn it into a game. This free scratch tutorial introduces important coding concepts such as control, movement, and variables. Explore additional scratch challenges for beginners here.
Challenge your students with more the best scratches tutorials
Want to keep challenging your students? Here are some additional scratch tutorials that your child might like. There are many more that can be found on this page.
1. Associate a name
Choose your name letters and make them do cool things like changing colors and making sounds! Try here.
2. Making music
Choose a different instrument and create music by playing a different sound! Here’s how to make music on scratch. Try here.
3. Association of characters
Choose characters and animation through jumps, color changes, conversation, and more! Here’s how to make a jump game on Scratch. Try here.
4. Makes the ball bounce on scratch
Find out how to make a fast, painless bounce game, (and may make it addicted), on scratch.
5. Make a rolling game
This revolving game is about a car, which will be controlled by the player; And the complicated lane that the car must go through to keep going.
6. Making a Pacman Scratch Tutorial
Learn how to make a Pacman game on Scratch. When you make this game, you will design the characters and labyrinth.
7. Make a major blow
Whack-a-mole has been played for decades in carnivals, amusement parks, and arcade. You can even play Whack-A-Mole online and free. So today is your chance to learn how to make this popular game.
8. Tutorial scratching Tic Tac Toe
At Tic Tac Toe, each player makes one type of sign, either: X or O, and each player takes turns marking space in the 3×3 box with a sign – the winner gets three consecutive signs.
9. Make a game with a tutorial level
See how to make a game with a level on scratch. Together we will create a pleasant balloon-pop challenge.
10. Make a click game
Basically, to play this game, users click on a big cookie to get points per click. Here’s how to make it.
11. Initial Tutorial Pong
Complete a fun scratch pong game tutorial. We will also share some ideas to modify your Pong game creatively.
12. Tutorial scratching Flappy Bird
Find out how to control the bird with a space button, build a moving pillar, and update the score every time the bird flies through it.
Enjoy more scratches tutorials for children
After you study the basics, now is the time to dive into a more interesting scratch tutorial! Explore the fun scratch project ideas made by our students, each accompanied by an outline and a high-level guide made with the help of AI. Have a cool project idea but not sure how to make it? Our Scratch Projects Generator, which is supported by AI Sophisticated, is ready to help! It can perfect your ideas, provide step -by -step guidelines, offer sample codes, and even create special images to improve your project. Try and open the pleasure and creativity without end!
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Written by Sophie Andrews, instructor for & learn. Sophie Andrews is a student at Stanford University who studies mathematics and
Computing science. He likes to teach and is a teaching assistant for the introductory class of computer science at Stanford. His work focuses on data science. Last year he made an online National Vote Tracker for The Cook Political Report, and currently he leads the data team at The Stanford Daily. He is also an internship at FCC and national renewable energy lab.
Gaming Hub
A gaming hub can refer to a central platform or space dedicated to gaming, where players can access games, interact with other gamers, and enjoy related content.